Sunday, May 31, 2009
Day 151 - Chicago Skyline Photo
Today I am offering a nice 8x10 gold frame with a 2 inch or so blue matte and a nice Chicago skyline photo. I got this when I worked in the city. I always liked it because it was a day shot, not a night shot where the whole city is lit up. But, we have not had it hung for some time, so I think it needs to find a new home. I suppose even if they don't like the photo, they can use if for the matte and/or frame.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Day 150 - Jewlery Box Handmade in India

Day 149 - Assorted Magazines - FLOP!
Oh man, nobody wants the magazines. I'll have to bring them to the jail so people can enjoy them. This is the second time I've tried to get rid of magazines - apparently they just don't go well.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Day 148 - 2 Babysitter Notepads- FLOP!
I am a little surprised these notepads did not go. But I forgot to mention in my e-mail that they are brand new and that might not have helped. I'll have to try again sometime soon.
Day 149 - Assorted Magazines
Today I am offering about 20 assorted magazines. They'd be good to read or for craft projects. I hope they go, otherwise I'll send them to a women's jail.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Day 148 - 2 Babysitter Notepads
Today I am offering 2 magnetic babysitter notepads. They go on the fridge so your babysitter knows pertinent information. They are both brand new. They were a kind gift when the girls were born, but we just never used them. My mom and Dave's mom and some of his family members were our primary sitters and they knew the drill, so they were not needed. But, I think they'd come in handy for someone. We'll see!
Day 147 - Book - Porn For Women - GONE!
I was not surprised that this went - but it went super fast! And, it is off my porch which is the best news ever!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Day 147 - Book - Porn For Women
Today I am offering a book called Porn for Women. I swear this is not a dirty book!! It is a gag-type book that a woman might enjoy. This is in perfect brand new condition - would make a great gift for a woman you know that needs a smile on her face.
Just the title of this book might give me some strange responses. Maybe it was not the best item to post on freecycle???
Just the title of this book might give me some strange responses. Maybe it was not the best item to post on freecycle???
Day 146 - Shamrock Light Set - GONE!
I am surprised! The lights were taken. I thought the timing might not work!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Lessons Learned Thus Far
-Don't put items out on your doorstep for pickup if the person who gave the item to you is about to come over (Sorry, mom).
-Young children will model your behavior. Our three year old girls now ask if they should "throw it away" or "freecycle" it.
-ANY childrens item will be taken.
-If you don't think you have anything to Freecycle, just take a second to look around and I guarentee you will find something you can do without.
-People will take candy (or OTC drugs) from stangers.
-After giving away almost 150 things, we have NOT MISSED A THING!!
-Young children will model your behavior. Our three year old girls now ask if they should "throw it away" or "freecycle" it.
-ANY childrens item will be taken.
-If you don't think you have anything to Freecycle, just take a second to look around and I guarentee you will find something you can do without.
-People will take candy (or OTC drugs) from stangers.
-After giving away almost 150 things, we have NOT MISSED A THING!!
Day 146 - Shamrock Light Set
Today I am offering a shamrock light set. 10 indoor/outdoor lights. Brand new in packaging! This is a little out of season (seeing as St. Patty's Day isn't for like 10 months), but would be cute for a summer bbq or picnic. We'll see how picky people are...
Day 145 - "Nancy" Name Plate - GONE!
Yippie, the nameplate is gone. And, I had multiple people want it. I am a little suprised. Dave is very suprised!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 145 - "Nancy" Name Plate
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Day 144 - 2 Paddington Bears
Day 144 - 2 Paddington Bears - GONE!
The bears are gone! And, they went to a very nice person who brought over a toy lawn mover for my girls!! I was more than happy to pass this along to this kind person!
Day 143 - Necklace - GONE!
And, the necklace also got a lot of attention. The same person that took the frame is taking the necklace. Yippie.
Day 142 - Photo Room Divider - GONE!
I had several people that wanted this photo frame. So glad it will be off my porch shortly!!! I think another home will find great use for it!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Day 143 - Necklace
Friday, May 22, 2009
Day 142 - Photo Room Divider
Day 141 - Circle of Friends Candle Holder - GONE!
The candle holder is gone!! I was a little surprised to only have one interested party, but happy to have it on its way to a new home!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Day 141 - Circle of Friends Candle Holder
Day 140 - Tripoly - GONE!
Well, that did not take long!!!
Heather - Susan & Jim took it! They are super excited to play!!
Heather - Susan & Jim took it! They are super excited to play!!
Day 139 - Cookbook - Food Processing - GONE!
This one got snapped up pretty quickly and was thankfully also picked up superfast. Now, if the tennis rackets would leave my porch I'd be really happy!
Day 138 - Oscillating Fan - FLOP!
I can't be too surprised a broken fan was not taken. I am not. But, I thought some handy person might enjoy tinkering. I guess not!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Day 140 - Tripoly
I don't know much about today's offer - a game, Tripoly. My friend Heather gave it to me to freecycle. Hopefully it goes!!
My guess is we will have success - most people enjoy board games. And, with tighter finances, people might be interested in no-budget evenings of play. We'll see!
My guess is we will have success - most people enjoy board games. And, with tighter finances, people might be interested in no-budget evenings of play. We'll see!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Day 139 - Cookbook - Food Processor Cooking - Quick and Easy
Today I am offering a cookbook - Food Processor Cooking - Quick and Easy. I've had this book a long time and don't think I've made a thing from it! So, it needs to find a new home.
Food Processor Pesto -- Serves 4 to 6 with pasta
- 3/4 cup pine nuts
- 3 cups packed stemmed fresh basil leaves
- 1 1/2 cups extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
- 4 medium garlic cloves, peeled
- Preheat the oven to 450°F.
- Spread the pine nuts in a single layer on a baking sheet with a rim (so they don't fall off) and toast in the oven, stirring occasionally, until they turn light golden brown, about 10 minutes, keeping a close watch to prevent scorching. Transfer the pine nuts to a dish to cool to room temperature; they'll continue to darken in color slightly from residual heat.
- Put the pine nuts, basil, olive oil, Parmesan, and garlic in a food processor fitted with the stainless-steel blade. Pulse the machine on and off until the ingredients look coarsely chopped. With a rubber spatula, scrape down the side of the work bowl. Continue pulsing the machine until the pesto is fully pureed but still has a little texture to it.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Day 138 - Oscillating Desk Fan
Today I am offering a broken Oscillating Desk Fan. It used to work but is on the fritz. I am hoping someone can get it back working and cool off this summer. We'll see - this might be a long shot! I think we got this from my parents. If my memory serves correct, they got a little water in the basement and had to buy a zillion fans to dry things out. And, this was one of them!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Day 137 - Low Dose Asprin - GONE!
Strange, but it is gone! And, that makes me happy! Some woman takes it every day, so this is a big help to her!
Day 136 - XBox Games - GONE!
Finally - a taker that picked up the games immediately!! So happy to have them gone!
Day 137 - Low Dose Asprin
Today's offer is 2 bottles of Low Dose Asprin. They are both brand new with safety seal in place. Seems kind of strange to get "drugs" from a stranger, but they are perfectly good! We'll see if I have a taker.
Day 135 - Tennis Rackets - GONE!
This response took like 12 hours, but someone wanted them and picked them up! Yeah!!! Hopefully they have fun learning the game!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Day 136 - XBox Games
Today I am re-offering 4 Xbox Games - Ghost Recon, Matrix, Winter Sports and Lord of the Rings. I had 2 takers for these before and they never showed. I am hoping to have better luck today!! Why is it that gamers don't pick up their items?!?!?!?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Day 135 - Tennis Rackets
Today I am offering 2 tennis rackets. They have not been used in a million years, but still work! They would really probably only be good for a beginner or someone who does not need a nice racket, but wants to play a little. I have not played tennis in forever!! I enjoy the game, just not enough hours in the day!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Day 134 - Blue Curtains and Rods - GONE!
I had 5 super quick responses and gave it to a woman I know. It is always hard to decide who to give it to, but I usually go with someone I know or someone who I know is dependable in picking up. Of course, a lot of the time I just go with the first response!! Regardless, I am happy they are gone!
Day 134 - Blue Curtains and Rods
Today I am offering 6 beautiful drapery panels. They are from Pottery Barn and I actually got them a few months ago from a fellow freecycler and my plans for the room changed. I am sure someone will love them, as they are very nice!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Day 133 - Wooden Gate - GONE!
That was super fast!! So glad someone will take the gate and put it to use!
Day 133 - Wooden Gate
Today I am getting rid of a wood gate. We have plenty of gates and really don't need them anymore. So, this is the first to go!! It would work fine for a child or animal. I am sure this will go quickly!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Day 132 - Girls Shelf - GONE!
That did not take long!!! So glad some little girl will enjoy this in her room!
Day 132 - Girls Shelf
Today I am offering a cute pink shelf for a kids room. It is currently pink but can be painted and decorated however someone would like!! A friend tried to sell it and ended up giving it to us and it has been in the garage ever since! Hopefully we'll have it gone soon!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Day 131 - Ravinia Basket
Today I am offering a nice Ravinia basket. It holds 2 bottles of wine and has a food compartment. Very charming and cute!! My Mother-In-Law gave us 2 and we probably don't need either, but definitely don't need 2. So, hopefully this will make for a fun date for someone gearing up to visit Ravinia or have a romantic picnic.
Day 130 - Game - Upwords - FLOP!
Oh no, Heather will be devastated! No takers. I'll give it another go in a few weeks. I bet it is such a fun game!!! Sorry!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Day 130 - Game - Upwords
Today I am offering a game - Upwords. This was given to me by my friend Heather to freecycle. I have a few helpers that are helping to ensure I don't get rid of everything in my house!!! She said this is a super-fun game!! Hope someone likes it!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Day 129 - Kids Books
Today I am offering 4 hardcover kids books - Thump, Quack, Moo, Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich, Fairytale News and Bob the Builder's Story Collection. They are all in good condition - I just could not find anything else to get rid of! And, I don't think the kids will miss these books too much!
Day 128 - Rainstick - GONE!
A little surprised, but it is gone!! Not sure the girls would be happy about that!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Day 128 - Rainstick
We literally have not idea how this ever got in our house. I wonder if we accidentally stole it from another kids house? In any event, today's item was a colorful plastic rain stick. The girls played with this a bit, but were never too hip on it. You turn it from end to end and all the little beads falling sound like the pitter patter of rain drops in a heavy storm.
It's colorful but at nearly two feet long its one of the bigger toys in the house and its got to go. There is no doubt that this could easily be enjoyed by at least one more family if not more. Better than going into a landfill right?
It's colorful but at nearly two feet long its one of the bigger toys in the house and its got to go. There is no doubt that this could easily be enjoyed by at least one more family if not more. Better than going into a landfill right?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Day 127 - Easter Candy - GONE!
I've got a taker! Now I just need to be sure my kids don't find the bag of candy waiting to be picked up!! Oh boy............
Day 127 - Easter Candy
Today I am offering a bag of Easter Candy. The girls got a bunch and have seemed to forget about it - so it is my chance to get it out of the house!! Do you think anyone will want it?
Day 126 - Book - Williams-Sonoma Complete Entertaining Cookbook - GONE!
Gone!! And, so many people wanted it!!
Hot Fudge Sauce: To make the hot fudge sauce, in a small, heavy saucepan, combine the cocoa with just enough of the boiling water to make a thick paste, whisking with a fork (if you add all the water at once, the lumps will be hard to break up). Add the remaining boiling water, whisking until the cocoa dissolves. Set the pan over low heat and add the butter. When it melts, stir with a wooden spoon, then stir in the sugar and corn syrup.
Slowly bring the mixture to a simmer, stirring occasionally; do not allow it to boil. When small bubbles form around the edges of the pan, simmer, without stirring, until glossy and thick, about 8 minutes. Remove from the heat. Using a clean spoon, stir in the vanilla. If not using the sauce right away, keep warm in a double boiler.
Hot Fudge Sauce:
6 Tbs. cocoa powder
1/3 cup boiling water
3 Tbs. unsalted butter, cut into 6 pieces
1 cup sugar
2 Tbs. light corn syrup
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Slowly bring the mixture to a simmer, stirring occasionally; do not allow it to boil. When small bubbles form around the edges of the pan, simmer, without stirring, until glossy and thick, about 8 minutes. Remove from the heat. Using a clean spoon, stir in the vanilla. If not using the sauce right away, keep warm in a double boiler.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Day 126 - Book - Williams-Sonoma Complete Entertaining Cookbook
Today I am offering a book - Williams-Sonoma Complete Entertaining Cookbook. It is a really nice cookbook - I just never take the time to go through it. I am really just feeling lazy and not in the mood to head to the basement to find anything else to get rid of! But, as nice as this book is, I don't think I'll miss it - and I am sure someone will like it!
Pesto Recipe
In a blender or food processor, combine the pine nuts and garlic. Process to chop coarsely. Add about half of the basil and process to chop coarsely. Add the remaining basil, the parsley and olive oil and process until a thick green sauce forms. If the sauce is too thin, add more basil or parsley; if it is too thick, add more olive oil.
Add the cheeses and season with salt and pepper. Process briefly. Pour into a glass jar or other container and top with a thin layer of olive oil to prevent the surface from discoloring. Cover tightly and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks. Makes about 1 1⁄2 cups.
Pesto Recipe
3 to 4 Tbs. pine nuts
2 garlic cloves
2 to 3 cups firmly packed fresh basil leaves
10 to 15 fresh flat-leaf parsley sprigs
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more as needed
1/2 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
1/4 cup grated pecorino cheese
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
Add the cheeses and season with salt and pepper. Process briefly. Pour into a glass jar or other container and top with a thin layer of olive oil to prevent the surface from discoloring. Cover tightly and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks. Makes about 1 1⁄2 cups.
Day 125 - Book - Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant - FLOP!
I am very surprised that nobody wanted this book. Dave's heart will be broken.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Day 125 - Book - Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant
A handful of years ago, a friend of ours recommended this book to us. I really loved this book. It inspired me to take a whole new look at personal finances and understanding how money really works. I must say that very few books get you so excited that the moment you finish you want to go back, start all over and begin underlining and highlighting things.
Well, since then I have started and completed an MBA program and took several accounting classes so the stuff in this book is not quite as earth shattering as it once was. I must admit I was a bit nostalgic when I saw that this was the item to go today, but in the spirit of Freecycling for an entire year... time to let go!
I really hope that this book inspires someone else as much as it did me.
Well, since then I have started and completed an MBA program and took several accounting classes so the stuff in this book is not quite as earth shattering as it once was. I must admit I was a bit nostalgic when I saw that this was the item to go today, but in the spirit of Freecycling for an entire year... time to let go!
I really hope that this book inspires someone else as much as it did me.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Day 124 - DVD - Potty Trianing Success - GONE!
That was super quick!!! So glad it will help someone!
Day 124 - DVD - Potty Trianing Success
Today I am offering a Potty Training Success DVD made by Pull Ups. I bet they'll plug their product a lot! But, I hope some mom or dad will find some value in it. It was mailed to me for free, but I never even opened it. Thankfully, we did not need it!!!
Day 123 - Book - Your Pregnancy & Birth - GONE!
This went to a woman who is a dula preparing to be a mid-wife. That's a perfect match!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Day 123 - Book - Your Pregnancy & Birth
Today I am offering a book - Your Pregnancy and Birth. I am sure this is a thriller of a book, but I don't plan on reading it anytime soon. When I was prego with my twin girls I was not really into the whole book thing about pregnancy, labor or delivery. I think some of these kind of books can just make you a little crazy! Hopefully others don't feel this way and will want my book!
Day 122 - Glass Jar filled with chocolates - GONE!
Yippie, I had a taker - and super quick. Not sure what she'll use the jar for, but I hope she enjoys the candies!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Day 122 - Glass Jar filled with chocolates
Today I am offering a glass jar filled with chocolates. More chocolate I don't need! Hopefully it will suit one of the many freecyclers in my network!! I think this was a Christmas gift - maybe a secret santa type thing. But, we sure don't need it!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Day 121 - M&Ms - GONE!
Perhaps I am the only one that does not like plain M&Ms??? Seems like there are a lot of people that do like them!
Day 121 - M&Ms
Today I am offering a big bag, 2 candy bar bags and a few snack bags of M&Ms. Plain M&Ms. Who ever invented plain M&Ms? Seriously, why would you ever eat a plain M&M if you could eat a peanut M&M or a peanut butter M&M? Inconceivable. Yet, people buy them for me! And, even though I like peanut M&Ms I barely ever even eat those. But, plain M&Ms ... come on.
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