Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My old kids want to freecycle....

About a week ago there was a big box in the house from a weed whacker we just bought. Apparently the box bothered Ev (or maybe got in her way) and she said she was going to freecycle it and walked it to our front porch - where I leave all the drop off items!

Then, a few days ago Erin decided big girls use green sippie cups in bed. She said her purple one was for babies and it should be freecycled.

Finally, yesterday Erin found 3 sets of bunny ears (the kind you wear at Easter). She said we only need 2 - for her and Evelyn. She said she was going to freecycle the third pair and dropped it in the laundry basket I collect all of my items in.

This is hysterical to me and Dave!! Apparently even though they are not yet 3 years old, they understand a lot more than we think they do!

1 comment:

  1. That is adorable that Erin and Ev want to freecycle! You are setting a wonderful example!
