Saturday, February 28, 2009
Day 59 - Book - Your Baby's First Year
In many ways I really just don't like maternity and baby books. I think they just make people crazy! They make you overthink everything and you can just get so wrapped up in the details without using your own intuition or judgment. But, I know they are somewhat helpful. And, I am sure they will help some new parent with the many joys and struggles of an infant.
Happy Saturday!
Day 58 - Digital Photo Album - Gone!
It ended up going to a man who got it for his wife and she is super excited about it! I hope they enjoy it and it brings many smiles to their faces.
Happy Weekend!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Day 58 - Digital Photo Album
I am sure someone will enjoy having this!
Day 57 - Double Stroller - GONE!
I had a friend drop by in the afternoon asking to borrow the stroller for a trip she is taking to Florida - perfect. And, when I get it back it will go to a fellow freecycler!
This is a nice BIG item to get rid of!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Day 57 - Double Stroller
Why not keep it? Well, we don't use it often - the kids are barely ever in strollers. And, when we do use it we are traveling and opening/closing it. And, with no trips coming up we'll be just fine with our regular stroller. And, I am pretty tall and have a long stride. This stroller has a middle wheel and I kick it all the time - just can't walk at a normal clip.
So, I'm done with it!
Day 56 - The Motherhood of all Pregnancy Books - GONE!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Day 56 - The Motherhood of all Pregnancy Books
I read through this when pregnant with my twins and found value in it. Although I might have another child one day, I think most of the info is available on the internet and just don't need the book. But, I am sure a new mother would love it. It is in great condition!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Day 55 - Package of Napkins and a Wine Topper - GONE!
Day 55 - Package of Napkins and a Wine Topper
the chi machine?? Nope - that's still a keeper.
the slot machine?? My husband would kill me.
picture frames?? Nope - they all have pictures of my girls.
a stone elephant?? We're getting closer.......
this is hard!
Okay - how about a package of napkins and a wine topper? The napkins say "If they don't have golf in heaven I'm not going" and the wine topper is a golf ball.
We got them for Christmas in a grab bag thingy and have no use for them. They had not yet been put away from Christmas - now you can imagine how crazy my house is!
Did I mention we don't golf?
Day 54 - 3 White Wire Baskets - GONE!
She responded to the post with a comment about how I wrote it and I told her to pick them up!
Hopefully she'll find use in them!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Day 54 - 3 White Wire Baskets
I think I got them at The Container Store a hundred or so years ago and really don't know what they were used for! I've tried to like them and use them, but we just don't click.
Hard to imagine you don't click with a basket...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Day 53 - Cookbook: The Gluten Free Gourmet - Cooks Fast & Healthy - GONE!
Day 53 - Cookbook: The Gluten Free Gourmet - Cooks Fast & Healthy
Day 52 - Quilt Rack - GONE!
Who would have thought so many people would want a quilt rack!!!! I am so happy to have given the rack to a woman who quilts and can now display her beautiful quilts!!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Day 52 - Quilt Rack

I think many people have a nice quilt they only put on the bed to look fancy. And they take it off every night and sleep with different blankets. Well, I think that's too much work (or too complicated) for us. And, it has not been used in years.
Hopefully it'll find a new home and get a lot of use - in whatever manner the owner sees fit!
Day 51 - Igloo Cooler - GONE!
So happy!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Day 51 - Igloo Cooler
Maybe Spring would be a better time to offer a cooler??????????
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Day 50 - Dog Collar

Dave has very little confidence someone will want a used dog collar, but I think it will be a hit!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Day 49 - Animal Drawer Pulls - GONE!
Day 49 - Animal Drawer Pulls
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Day 48 - Book: The Reader by Bernhard Schlink - GONE!
Since returning from my trip I have not been at all organized about my freecycling - just taking it day by day. I need to carve out an hour or so to collect and organize everything! It makes it so much smoother when I know what I've got everything organized. We'll see if I can find time today.
To make matters even crazier, I am the co-chair for my Twins Club's Resale and it is in 3 weeks - and I've got so much to do to get that ready! But, those efforts also have the primary goal of getting rid of stuff - so that's a good thing!
Day 48 - Book: The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
Did you read the book? Did you like it?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Day 47 - Audiobook: What Should I Do With My Life - GONE!
Day 47 - Audiobook: What Should I Do With My Life
What am I doing with my life today?? Being a mom and a Realtor. Taking care of my husband and my dog. Trying to give back one day at a time.
In What Should I Do with My Life? Po Bronson manages to create a career book that is a page-turner. His 50 vivid profiles of people searching for "their soft spot--their true calling" will engage readers because Bronson is asking himself the same question. He explores his premise, that "nothing is braver than people facing up to their own identity," as an anthropologist and autobiographer. He tackles thorny, nuanced issues about self-determination. Among them: paradoxes of money and meaning, authorship and destiny, brain candy and novelty versus soul food. Bronson’s stories, limited to professional people and complete with photos, are gems. They include a Los Angeles lawyer who became a priest, a Harvard MBA catfish farmer turned biotech executive, and a Silicon Valley real estate agent who opened a leather crafts factory in Costa Rica.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Day 46 - Moen Kitchen Faucet - GONE!
I wish I had more to give!
Day 46 - Moen Kitchen Faucet
I think the tricky part about this offer is that the color is Ivory. But, if someone has an ivory sink or does not care that it matches, we might be a good match.
We'll see!!!
Day 45 - Power Strip - GONE!
I am happy it will live on at someone else's home.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Day 45 - Power Strip
So, hopefully it will live on and shed some light into another family's life.
Happy Saturday!
Bowling Set Update
Well, I've been out of town and just returned home to a TON of mail!!! In it I got a big shocker!!
I got a nice postcard from the Children of Jerusalem Lutheran School. The teacher and children wanted to formally thank me!! That's a first that I've received an actual item in the mail to thank me! She must be a really good teacher - teaching not only book smarts, but the golden rule and strong social skills.
So many times I barely get a thank you - it really made my day to get a piece of mail thanking me.
Day 44 - Baby Boy Sweater - GONE!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Day 44 - Baby Boy Sweater
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Day 43 - Mint Green Turkish Bathrobe - GONE!
Day 42 - Computer Mouses
Day 43 - Mint Green Turkish Bathrobe
This was a Christmas present - and it was so kind and generous. But, I don't wear robes and really just don't need it. I am hoping someone else will get great use from it!! Today, I am offering a: women's size large mint green Turkish cotton bath robe.
These might be the hardest things to post - gifts. It really is making me second guess what gifts to give others - what will they really want or need or use! I have a good friend who swears by "the gift that goes away." That means you use the gift and then it is gone - some ideas are: a candle, gift certificate, notepaper, food, etc. I'm thinking this might be something I take more to heart.
And, as I am typing my husband said a good gift can be an experience - weather through a gift certificate or not. The ability to experience something and make a memory can be far more appreciated than the tangible.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Day 42 - Computer Mouses
How many computer mouses (or is it mice) can one really have? Well, today I am offering: 3 computer mouses. They are all relatively new with roller-ball tracks. I'd prefer to send them all off together, but am not sure anyone will really need that many. Maybe a school or computer lab would like them. We'll see....
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Day 41 - Doll Crib - GONE!
Day 41 - Doll Crib
Over a year ago a friend of ours gave us a super old fashioned doll bed. It is super cute. My mother-in-law even made Tinkerbell bedding and the girls enjoyed it - but fought over it!
For the girls 2nd birthday my mom gave them each their own doll bed - complete with bedding. Two is more than enough for me - so I need to purge the 3rd one - the one our friends have us. I am sure any little kid would enjoy this bed. Even if they don't play with dolls, it is a great "house" for all the stuffed animals that kids acquire.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Day 40 - Throw Pillows - GONE!
Day 40 - Throw Pillows

If someone did not like the style they could even recover them with other fabric. No chance I could do that, as I am about as crafty as a woodpecker.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Day 39 - Quicken 2005 - GONE!
Wanted: Double Jogging Stroller
Day 39 - Quicken 2005
Day 38 - CD: Angels & Demons - GONE!
Have you ever listened to audio books? When my daughters were little I would listen to them in the car all the time. Now that they are older they demand music. But, I've always been more of a talk radio or book kind of person.
Hope you're having a great weekend!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Day 38 - CD: Angels & Demons
Friday, February 6, 2009
Day 37 - Book: Comfort Prayers by June Cotner - GONE!
Day 37 - Book: Comfort Prayers by June Cotner
Today I am offering the book: Comfort Prayers by June Cotner. This is a timeless collection compiled by June Cotner, that brings hope, encouragement, and inspiration. A thoughtful book that will calm the soul and lead to a path of healing and recovery. This was a gift after a retreat that was enjoyable to read, but we just need no longer.
Following are some excerpts:
I am looking for comfort.
They tell me all I have to do is ask
and you will help me.
I am in need of peace.
They urge me to turn to you
and you will grant my wish.
I am searching for happiness.
They tell me to open my heart
and you will fill it with love.
I am listening and
I promise to accept your truth.
--Lori Eberhardy
We find our way in the dark
using light from the lives of others.
Their sufferings and celebrations
are like constellations in the midnight sky,
orienting patterns above the horizon.
Tracing their paths through the night,
we connect our stories to one another;
circling together, we turn toward morning.
--Reverend Lynn James
Birth is a beginning
And death a destination.
And life is a journey:
From childhood to maturity
And youth to age;
From innocence to awareness
And ignorance to knowing;
And then, perhaps, to wisdom;
From weakness to strength
Or strength to weakness—
And often back again;
From health to sickness
And back, we pray, to health again;
From offense to forgiveness
From loneliness to love,
From joy to gratitude,
From pain to compassion,
And grief to understanding—
From fear to faith;
From defeat to defeat to defeat—
Until, looking backward or ahead,
We see that victory lies
Not at some high place along the way,
But in having made the journey, stage by stage,
A sacred pilgrimage.
Birth is a beginning
And death a destination.
And life is a journey,
A sacred pilgrimage—
To life everlasting.
--Rabbi Alvin I. Fine
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Day 29 - Book: What to Expect When You are Expecting - Part 3 - GONE!
I think the whole scanning process is interesting. She said the book is chopped at the spine and a fast scan is done. Fascinating...
At last, it has a home.
Day 36 - Diaper Doublers - GONE!
They have found a lovely new home with a little boy that is inadvertently driving his mom crazy by having so much laundry to do every morning when the bed is wet.
I sure hope this helps!!
FYI - they can be purchased at Babies R Us in the diaper section.
Day 36 - Diaper Doublers
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Day 35 - Glass Buckets - GONE!

In the spirit of what to use the bowl for, I figured I should provide a trifle recipe - that would look pretty in the glass bucket!! This one even looks pretty healthy. But, if all the low fat stuff makes you nervous - then go for the good stuff!!
Three Berry Lemon Trifle - save this one for the spring!!
- 1 (14 ounce) can fat free sweetened condensed milk
- 1 (8 ounce) carton non-fat reduced sugar lemon yogurt
- 1/3 cup lemon juice
- 2 teaspoons grated lemon peel
- 1 (8 ounce) container reduced-fat whipped topping, thawed, divided
- 1 (16 ounce) package angel food cake mix, prepared and cut into 1-inch cubes
- 1 cup sliced fresh strawberries
- 1 cup fresh blueberries
- 1 cup fresh raspberries
- 2 tablespoons slivered almonds, toasted
In a large bowl, combine the milk, yogurt, lemon juice and peel. Fold in 2 cups whipped topping.
In a 3-qt. trifle bowl or deep salad bowl, layer a third of the cake cubes, a third of the lemon mixture and all of the strawberries. Repeat cake and lemon mixture layers. Top with blueberries and remaining cake cubes and lemon mixture. Sprinkle with raspberries.
Spread remaining whipped topping over berries; sprinkle with almonds. Cover and refrigerate for at least 8 hours.
Day 35 - Glass Buckets

I have not used them in years. These items are difficult to part with - simply because I like them and think they are attractive. They just don't really match my style. And, I have many things that are not my style - so I am trying to keep more of what I really love and not clutter the rest of my space with everything else.
Do you like the addition of photos????
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Day 34 - CD: "The Ultimate Collection" of Mozart - GONE!
Day 34 - CD: "The Ultimate Collection" of Mozart
Monday, February 2, 2009
Day 33 - Cookbook - Appetizers for Dummy's - GONE!
Crab Dip
4.5-ounce can crabmeat
1 hard-boiled egg
1 green onion
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon dried dill
1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
Drain the crabmeat and then flake it in a medium bowl.
Shell and mince the hard-boiled egg.
Mince the green onion.
Add all the ingredients to the crabmeat.
Mix well to blend thoroughly.
Cover and chill the dip for at least 2 hours.
Day 33 - Cookbook - Appetizers for Dummy's
This book was a wedding shower gift for me from my husbands grandmother. She had never met me - perhaps she did not know that I could cook. Anyhoo, today I am offering: Cookbook - Appetizers for Dummy's. Need I say more? Nevertheless, here is a recipe.....
Cocktail Franks in Spicy Barbecue Sauce
1 onion
2 cans (5 ounces each) tomato paste
4 cups water
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoons white vinegar
2 tablespoons molasses
2 teaspoons dry mustard
1 teaspoon salt
2 pounds cocktail franks
Mince the onion.
Lightly spray a 4-quart slow cooker with vegetable oil cooking spray.
Combine all the ingredients except the franks, including 1/4 cup minced onion, in the slow cooker.
Cover and cook on High for 1 to 2 hours, or until hot.
Separate the franks if they’re attached.
Add the franks and cook for 1 hour.