Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 31 - CD: Breakthrough Leadership by Brian Biro - GONE!

Well, this CD is gone! But, his website has a lot of great FREE stuff!!

And, here are some of Brian Biro's leadership quotes:

"When you step forward to serve others, which is true leadership, you can't help but grow."

"We are at best when we have a purpose bigger than ourselves."

"Coaching is about helping others discover, believe in, and act upon what they know."

"If it's not working, try something different - by asking yourself a new empowering question."

"People will do far more for and with others than they will do for themselves."

"When you truly listen, you let go of formulating your response while someone else is speaking. Then, you can easily slip into his or her shoes."

"As soon as you step back and focus on the big picture, you easily make new choices, discover the peace that comes with greater patience, and formulate creative, effective strategies to move in the right direction."

"To live a rich and fulfilling life it si important to become fully present with all you touch."

"Being present is not a technique. It is a choice that will enrich your life like no other."

"The past is history. The future a mystery. The gift is now. That's why we call it the present!" - Author Unknown

"There is something to value and admire in everyone."

"Open your eyes to the beauty you can discover in the human soul when you learn to move beyond judgment."

"Whenever we are fully present for others, we sing out to them that they are important."

"You cannot hope to bring out the best in others until you are fully present for them."

"One of the most powerful ways to build teams is to create moments of celebration."

"Look for the possibility in others rather than the limits."

Day 31 - CD: Breakthrough Leadership by Brian Biro

Well, it's been a month! Do you really think I can last 12 months??? I hope so!!

Today I am offering the CD: Breakthrough Leadership by Brian Biro. This guy is pretty cool. I heard him speak a few years ago and he is motivating. But, I've got it on my computer and no longer need to hard copy.

One of the exercises he had the meeting I attended go through was breaking a wooden board with your bare hands - karate style. First you wrote on the board everything you truly cared about - and what you wanted to change in life and then went at it! I broke my board on the second try. It was a very cool and inspirational seminar.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 29 - Book: What to Expect When You are Expecting - Part 2

Okay - I am shocked this book was not taken. Seriously, so very surprised!

So, I posted it to another group. I hope it goes...........

Day 30 - Clear Vinyl Shower Curtain - GONE!

Wow - I think 6 people wanted the shower curtain!!! I am happy to say it is gone!!


Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Day 30 - Clear Vinyl Shower Curtain

Okay - yet another item that I have no idea what the history of it was. Today I am offering a: clear vinyl shower curtain - brand new in original packaging. The funny thing is that I had to buy a new shower curtain recently. Had I remembered this (or found it) I would have saved a few bucks.

I am shocked that my book What to Expect has not yet been taken. I am going to post it on a different board. It really surprises me that nobody wants it...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 29 - Book: What to Expect When You are Expecting

Today I am offering the book: What to Expect When You're Expecting. I actually did not follow this book when I was pregnant. I will be freecycling the book I read in a while. But, I have heard only good things about this book. I did not follow it when I was pregnant because I was really looking for a book that catered more toward a multiple pregnancy (twins). For some reason I guess I thought everything would be different. Looking back, I think it was about the same as any old pregnancy. But, this is one of the "favorite" prego books, so I think it will go quickly.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 28 - DVD: 2nd Season Curb Your Enthusiasm - GONE!

I asked people to send me a joke!! So, here are the jokes I got... and the DVD is gone!

  • What's green and smells like red paint?
    Green paint.
    Pretty good joke for a 7 y/o.
  • There were two ducks sitting on a pond. One said, "quack." The other one said, "I was going to say that." :-D
  • Why did the duck cross Michigan Avenue?
    Because it wanted to get to the Drake.
  • Where do Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles come from?
    Middle aged Mutant Ninja Parents.

  • How do you know when you're staying in a Redneck motel?
    When you call the front desk and say, I gotta leak in my sink, and the clerk replies, 'Go ahead'.

  • You might be a redneck if

- The only Diploma on your wall is from DUI school.

  • Two reasons why it's so hard to solve a Redneck murder:

1) The DNA is all the same
2) There are no dental records

  • A State Trooper pulls over a pickup on Highway 16 and says to the driver, 'Got any I.D. ?'. and the driver replies 'Bout wut?'

I have not yet looked at these links - so view at your own risk...

Day 28 - DVD: 2nd Season Curb Your Enthusiasm

This is one of my husband's giveaways. I don't really like the show - actually, never seen it. Dave thinks it was a gift, but does not know who gave it to him. Today, we are offering: the 2nd Season of Curb Your Enthusiasm on DVD. I can't say much more about it because I really don't know anything about it. But, I think some people like the show, right???? I sure hope so!!

Day 26 - CD: John Rutter - FLOP!

FLOP :-(

So sad... I just don't think anyone knows show he is and has heard the music - it is pretty.

Oh well....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 27 - Plastic Bowling Set - GONE!

Today I chose a woman to take this set that runs an after-school program. So, they will get a lot of use! A lot of the time I go with the first person to respond, but I am glad a whole group of kids will benefit from this toy!


Day 27 - Plastic Bowling Set

Today I am offering: a plastic bowling set. This is a fun kids toy that allows them to basically learn to bowl! It was a birthday gift for the girls - maybe when they were 1 or maybe 2?? I can't remember. But, my husband thinks it makes too much of a mess! He won't let us keep it. I am not pushing to keep it, but find it funny he has such an aversion to this toy. I am sure some kids will enjoy the bowling set - and hope my kids are not scared for life because they never learned to bowl at an early age.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 26 - CD: John Rutter

More CDs from my mother-in-law. When I burned these CDs so we could have a copy I listened and they are very pretty classical CDs. I am sure someone would love to enjoy them as well. Today I am offering: John Rutter CDs - Requiem and Magnificat and John's Collection.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 25 - Small Red Trash Can - GONE!

Well, someone is up early on Sunday. And, the early bird gets the trash can!!! I just love getting rid of things that are somewhat sizable - it makes a difference in the pile to give away!

Happy Sunday!!

Day 25 - Small Red Trash Can

Today I am offering a: small red trash can. This is a super cute - super small trash can with a foot pedal to open/close. I found the best sale ever and got a super big trash can with foot pedal at Target for $5 (which was HUGE sale) and this was it's little baby can that came with it. We have plenty of cans for the office and bathrooms, so just don't need this one.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 24 - Book: The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

Hooray, another book out of my library. And, I do think the person that takes it will get a lot of use from it.

Another success.

Day 24 - Book: The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

Another kind attempt by my mother-in-law. Today, I am offering: The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by Le Leche. But, my kids are big and we're way past this stage. I really don't have much to say about this book - that would be for a whole different kind of blog!!

Regardless, I am sure someone will be happy to have it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 23 - Dish Drying Rack - GONE!

We'll another item gone - and someone is very happy!! Our dish rack has a new home - yeah!!

Day 23 - Dish Drying Rack

Today I am offering a black dish drying rack. We have a dishwasher and just don't need this drying rack. I think it was from the days of washing a zillion bottles each day with our twin babies. But, it has been sitting in a bathroom closet for a few years and needs to find a new home...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 22 - CD: R. Carlos Nakai - GONE, GONE!!

Yeah - another CD is gone. And, I am also going to burn it for another woman to enjoy. I am certain the takers will just love what they're getting!

Day 22 - CD: R. Carlos Nakai

This is a very sentimental CD. This is the very CD our girls have listened to every day during nap time and every night for bedtime. Literally, that means we've listened to it over 2,000 times - that's more than any of our other CDs!!

Today I am offering: R. Carlos Nakai's CD Mythical Dreamer - a Native American Flute collection. This music just makes me calm and think about my beautiful babies - very sentimental.

Yes, they still will listen the this beautiful CD - just from an iPod or a burned CD we have.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 21 - CD: Fatherhood at its Best - GONE

Another one bites the dust - and leaves my house!!


Day 21 - CD: Fatherhood at its Best

My mother-in-law gives us so many CDs. At this point, we are burning them and passing them along... Have not listened to it - hopefully some one will like today's offer: CD Fatherhood at its Best by Dr. Scott Hahn.

While burning this CD I did get to listen to it - what I heard was somewhat interesting. But, I just don't need another CD - especially when it is on the computer - just in case we want to listen to it...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 20 - Free Weights - GONE!

Yippie - someone can use these weights to get a little healthier.

Maybe I should have done something more patriotic today - given that it is the inauguration date. I have a huge framed bicentennial flag... not quite sure if I'll be letting that go yet. Not only the historical significance, but also it has been in my family's hands for a long time...

Day 20 - Free Weights

These are back from high school!! Seriously - they have been around forever - and not used in close to two decades. Today I am offering: a set of free weights. I am sure these will go quickly - who wouldn't want to get in shape!! I know I would - but, now I don't have any free weights...

What do you have that you can part with??? Come on - there must be something...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 18 - Assorted Glass Vases - FLOP!

I kind of knew they would not go. It is col - who wants to go out for some random glass vases? I'll re-offer this spring.

Day 19 - Rock Salt - Gone!

Yeah - another item gone!!

Day 19 - Rock Salt

It is cold and icy. Our driveway is snowy, icy and gross. Nevertheless, today I am offering: a half full bag of rock salt. Why on earth would I give away rock salt when my driveway could use a good dose of it?? Well, last fall we got a new concrete driveway and I've been told not to use any salt!! So, the bag is wasting space in my garage - and I am sure someone else can use it!!

Pray that I don't fall putting it out.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 18 - Assorted Glass Vases

Today I am freecycling: a bag of assorted glass vases. This was a find through Freecycle that I just never got to. I had wild visions to mosaic them with beautiful colored glass - and they have sat in the garage since this past summer - or maybe fall. So, hopefully someone else can put them to better use than I could.

I wonder if this would go better in the spring or summer??? Please someone - take my vases.........

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 16 - Cookbook: Bowl Food - GONE!

I think yesterday was just too cold - so nobody was into Freecycle. But, today I got an e-mail and it is gone!!! Here's another recipe.........

Spicy Squash and Coconut Soup
1 small fresh red Chili, seeded and chopped

1 Lemongrass stalk, white part only, sliced
1 teaspoon ground Cilantro

1 tablespoon fresh Ginger, chopped

2 cups Vegetable Stock

2 tablespoons Vegetable Oil

1 Onion, finely chopped

1.75 lbs squash flesh, cubed (see note)

1.5 cups coconut milk

3 tablespoons fresh Cilantro, chopped (extra for garnish)

2 teaspoons Brown Sugar

Process the chili, lemongrass, ground cilantro and 2 tablespoons vegetable stock in food processor to form a smooth paste.

Heat oil in large saucepan. Add onion and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add spice paste and cook, stirring for 1 minute.

Add the squash and remaining vegetable stock. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to simmer, covered for 15-20 minutes or until squash is tender. Cool slightly, then process in a food processor until smooth. Return to the cleaned saucepan, stir in coconut milk, cilantro and brown sugar and simmer until hot. Garnish with extra cilantro.

Note: You will need to buy 3 lbs of squash to yield 1.75 lbs of flesh.

Day 17 - HUGE Stuffed Winnie the Pooh and Tiger

Yeah!! We're making progress!!! I feel a twinge of guilt in taking away these dolls from my kids, but won't let that stop me..........

Day 17 - HUGE Stuffed Winnie the Pooh and Tiger

I have a huge pile of stuff to Freecycle in the basement. I wish I could work on it (and the laundry) with the girls down there, but they drag everything out. This is especially true of today's offering: a HUGE stuffed Winne the Pooh and Tiger. The girls have so many other toys the really play with and these are just so big! So, I think by getting these to another home I'll be better able to work in the basement with the kids and without them having a stroke about Tiger and Pooh.

Let's hope.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 16 - Cookbook: Bowl Food

I love cook books and I really enjoy cooking. I have a 4 foot shelf filled with cookbooks! But, I just don't use them all. Hence, today's offer: Cookbook - Bowl Food. This book was a gift and I just never got that into it. Here is a sample recipe from the book - something to keep you warm...

Macaroni & Cheese with Pancetta
2.5 cups Macaroni

2.5 ounces Pancetta, diced

2 cups Cream

1 cup grated Gruyere Cheese
1 cup grated Parmesan Cheese

1 clove garlic, crushed

2 teaspoons Dijon Mustard

1/2 teaspoon Paprika
2 tablespoons Fresh Chives, chopped (plus extra for garnish)

Bring a large saucepan of salted water to boil. Add macaroni and cook until al dente. Drain, cover and keep warm.

Meanwhile, place pancetta in large saucepan and cook over high heat for 4 minutes or until well-browned and slightly crisp. Drain on paper towels. Reduce the heat to medium, stir in cream and simmer. Add cheeses, garlic, mustard and paprika and stir for 5 minutes or until the cheeses have melted and the sauce has thickened.

Add the macaroni and pancetta and stir for 1 minute or until heated through. Stir in chives, garnish with the extra chives and serve.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 15 - Furry Burgandy Fasion Scarf - GONE!

Yeah - someone took the scarf!! I actually only had one taker - that's a low number compared to most days. I think it was my inability to describe it well. I am sure whomever got it will like it - and look way cooler than I could have.

Day 15 - Furry Burgandy Fasion Scarf

Do you have anything in your closet that is just a little too "cool" for you to wear?? Well, I have a super cool scarf - a little too cool for me. Today I am offering: a very cute and stylish burgundy scarf. It is super soft and furry (I am sure it is not real fur). Looks like a bunch of burgundy fur balls are knitted together. Okay, I know this is a horrible description, but I don't know how else to put it. I am afraid the bad description might lead to no takers. If so, I am sure one of my friends will love it!! We'll see.

What's in your closet that you don't ever wear??

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 13 - I got a carseat!!

We have friends that will be moving in with us for what will probably be a long period of time. Since we have 2 kids and they have 1, we need a lot of car seats. And, we might not always want to take 2 cars or move seats from one to the other. So, today I spotted a post for a nearly new car seat! I jumped on it - and was lucky enough to get it! Picked it up yesterday and it will be perfect!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Day 14 - Demin Jacket w/ Fur Detail - GONE!

Going, going, GONE!! And, I have a list of others that would like it if I have a no-show!

Day 14 - Demin Jacket w/ Fur Detail

Today I am offering a denim jacket lined with fake black fur. The "fur" makes it warm and looks fancy because you can see the trim on the collar, cuffs and button-line. This is a jacket I bought a few years ago and when I bought it, I loved it! But, when it arrived, I just could not really pull it off and returning it got away from me. I really do think it is cute and stylish - but by now it would also be too snug. We'll see how this one goes - a photo would make it much easier to understand, as the description might not really "show" what it looks like.

We'll see!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


You know - the funny thing about giving is that once you start ... you really just want to give more and more. I am finding that I post items pretty early in the day and get responses relatively quickly and then it is all over in a matter of hours. Then, I have to wait until the next day to post again - so I can attain my goal of posting every day this year. There is a bit of a let-down when that days post is complete.

I guess that's the beauty of generosity - it makes you feel good and you wan to do it more and more.

Do you have any items you can part with? I am sure they'd make another persons day!!!

Day 13 - Mens Black Carhartt Jacket - GONE!

That did not take long. Within 10 minutes I had several people wanting the jacket - perfect!! It went to a woman who is going to let me borrow some canning cook-books - what a great trade!!

Day 10 - Pediatric Electrolyte Drink - FLOP!

We have a FLOP! After posting it on 2 different Freecycle groups, nobody wants it! I am not too surprised - it is one of those things you don't think you'll ever need - and it expires in less than 2 months.

I'll drop it at our Church's food pantry this Sunday.

Day 11 - Wanted: Pressure Cooker & Canning Supplies - I GOT ONE!!!

I am so excited for my new pressure cooker!!!! I have 2 separate uses for it. First, I am becoming very interested in canning foods. Second, I'd like to use it to cook roasts, chicken, soup or whatever else.

I actually bought one (for canning purposes) right after Christmas. When I got home I realized it was too small for canning, so I returned it. I ordered a HUGE one on-line. I realized the one I bought was too big to just make dinner in, so I posted for one on Freecycle. Sure enough, I got a BRAND NEW one - they same exact model I had bought/returned a few weeks ago. It will be perfect to have one for canning large quantities and one for cooking dinner.

Tonight I am making sweet and sour chicken!!!

Day 13 - Mens Black Carhartt Jacket

Today I am offering: a barely worn black mens Carhartt jacket size XL Tall. It is a somewhat heavy jacket (fall/spring weather) with a hood and pockets. This is a great jacket for a guy (or I guess a woman) to wear outside when doing yard work or that kind of thing.

Dave's parents live in a small country town on the way toward Rockford. They have 28 acres and there is a lot of brush and other work to maintain the property. Several years ago we spent so many weekends out there helping cut down trees and getting everything as nice as possible. Toward the end Dave's dad got him this jacket. Coincidentally, it was toward the end of the fall season and that spring we just were not there as much helping work the land. It has been packed and unpacked through 2 moves and we are finally ready to pass it on to another.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 12 - HP Inkjet large color cartridge #78 - GONE!

That didn't take long... Another success!!! So glad this will finally go to use!!

Happy Freecycling!

Day 12 - HP Inkjet large color cartridge #78

This is another item that I am not sure about. Today I am offering a NEW HP Inkjet large color cartridge #78. I don't think I ever had a printer that could use this cartridge. I think my parents gave this to me when they got a new printer - or maybe my mother-in-law. But, I've got no use for it!! And, it is taking up much needed space!!! But, I think it would be valuable for someone... anyone??

Day 11 - Kids Winter Coat - GONE!

So nice that a little boy can use this coat. I hope it is warm enough! Speaking of warm - this weather is the pits! How long until Spring???

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 11 - Wanted: Pressure Cooker & Canning Supplies

Today I posted a "wanted" e-mail for: a pressure cooker and canning supplies or cookbooks. Recently I have become very interested in pressure cookers and canning foods. I bought a HUGE pressure cooker to can food items, but wanted to get one that would work better for a roast or something. I have also gotten many books from the library, but think I'll need them longer term than just a few weeks. I hope I get lucky and have someone willing to part with their items!!!

Day 11 - Kids Winter Coat

I have twin girls that are 2.5 - so more girls clothes than you can imagine! I have not gotten rid of anything yet - who knows... another may join us someday. But, I also get a lot of boys clothes from my sister-in-law. Hence, today I offer... a nice winter jacket for a boy. It is red with gray and black and has a spider on the back. I bet a boy would love it. No chance my girls would be interested. They stick to pink. But, they do fight over Bob the Builder pjs - so you never know. I am sure this will go quickly.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10 - Pediatric Electrolyte Drink

While walking through my garage and saw what I'll be offering today - 2 bottles of Pediatric Electrolyte Drink. This is the kind of stuff kids drink when they are not feeling well - replenishes their electrolytes. If you've ever tasted the stuff you know it is not good, but it does help kids.

I've kept bottles on hand since my girls were little - just in case. We had one bout of dehydration that put one of the girls in the hospital, so I really understand and have seen what dehydration can do to a child (or adult). Funny - you think dehydrated means - thirsty, right? Not at all.

Today's post is a downer - sorry!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 9 (Part 2) - Mr Coffee - GONE!

One down, two to go!!! The best thing about this one going is that it is big and you can actually see the difference in my pile. That makes me feel better.

A Tip for Cleaning Your Closet...

Dave and I have been cleaning our coat closet - preparing for house guests that will be arriving in just 2 weeks. We kept some, made a pile for Goodwill and a pile for Freecycle. Amongst many other items in my Freecycle pile was a super cute set of red gloves/hat/scarf, a childrens scarf and a purple hat. At the end of the night left everything on the living room floor - and in the morning I brought my 2.5 year old twins downstairs and started breakfast. Well, they invaded my pile and have become attached to the red set and the purple hat/kid scarf! Sure, they already have hats and mittens, but how do you say no to demanding 2.5 year olds. And, they just look so cute!

So, my tip is - clean up your triage piles before letting kids around or you'll never get rid of anything!!!

Day 9 (Part 2) - Mr Coffee

Two today...

I don't drink coffee. Dave does not drink coffee. Yet, everyone things we need a coffee maker. And, some even give us coffee makers. In fact, I have 3 coffee makers. That's 3 too many for me. So, today I am starting by offering my plain Jane Mr Coffee 12 cup coffee maker. I might consider this whole reduction of stuff a success if I can get rid of all 3 coffee makers. But, I am just starting with one today.

Day 9 - Textbooks - Accounting & International Business - GONE!

The books are gone! One is going to a business student majoring in finance and I don't know about the other. The good news is that they are going to live on! Another success!!

Day 9 - Textbooks: Accounting & International Business

These are some big books!! Dave had to for his MBA and they have been gathering dust since. I had to twist his arm really hard to get him to let me freecycle them - funny the strange things we have trouble parting with.

Today I am offering Introduction to Financial Accounting - 8th Edition and International Business - Competing in the Global Marketplace. Okay, I actually think the international business might be somewhat interesting, but not the accounting. And, since I typically recently primarily read books about animals, colors and other tedious things (most of which are under 20 pages), I just don't think I could wrap my brain around these - and I don't think I'd want to! Actually - I just got great books from the library about canning food - that's my new little adventure....

Please, someone take them!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Funny that today a Freecycle Moderator posted a comment about no-shows... and I have had a package sitting on my porch for days!!

For the past few days I have been e-mailing him trying to prod him to pick up the book. This afternoon I sent an e-mail saying I had to move on the the next person who wanted it. I need the book off my front porch! I then sent an e-mail to another person that said they'd like the book. We'll see what happens.

For the record, I don't automatically pick the first respondant. I am often more intested in what they want to do with the item ... check out the amazing things done to some of my items as noted in a comment from Day 7.

The moderator gave some great suggestions for Freecycle postings - some I might take up right away and some I might wait until my frustration level rises.

I was thinking that for my next "hot" item I might ask the people that want it to send me a joke - or something I can add to my blog. We'll see - I don't want to scare anyone off.

Day 8 - Rubber Duckies Galore... GONE!

Yeah!! I am so happy that a wonderful grandma is going to take these items for her grandkids. Maybe I should listen to Dave more...

Day 8 - Rubber Duckies Galore...

Today I am posting something... and I'd be surprised if it goes. I hope I don't break my trend of having everything I post go quickly.

Anyhoo, today I am offering 2 BIG rubber duckies and 6 yellow duckie non-slip pads. The duckies were baby shower gifts and the girls have enjoyed them, but they are BIG!! And, with 2 kids in the tub and plenty of other toys, we are out of space. The suction non-slip pads are brand new - just not something we need. Seriously, I'd be surprised if they go - but, who knows..... Dave things they'll be a hit! He is certain some kid would be very happy with these new items - and that some parent would be willing to pick them up to make their little one happy! I hope he is right!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 6 -SOMEONE WANTS - Glass bottles

Someone posted a wanted today - glass jars and bottles. I have a nice supply in my garage. Sometimes I use them for storing soup and that kind of thing. But, lately I use Ball glass jars - and am in the process of learning to can. That's a whole separate blog! But, I am loving it. Anyway - I no longer need some of my old glass jars. So, the woman is picking up about 7-8 glass jars today! Nice to have things gone without me asking people to take them, but because people really want them!!

Day 7 - Books: Who Moved My Cheese & Managing Transitions - GONE!

And, the books are gone!! They are going to a library - which makes me happy. They will live on for a long time!

I am still amazed at how quickly these items are moving! Everything is just flying off the shelf! Yeah!! Maybe I'll have a clean basement soon! Once can dream.

Day 7 - Books: Who Moved My Cheese & Managing Transitions

Today I am offering 4 books...
2 copes of Managing Transitions Making the Most of Change by William Bridges
2 copies of Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson

These are books from back my days in corporate America. We went through a ton of transition and used both books to help both management and the workforce embrace, understand and react to the changes. I have read Who Moved my Cheese (and even saw the movie). I don't remember Managing Transitions, but I know it was a big part of one of our transitions. My company even had the author come to our company to help - we needed all the help we could get! I am confident these will be helpful for someone.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 6 - Book: Life Makeovers: 52 Practical & Inspiring Ways to Improve Your Life One Week at a Time by Cheryl Richardson - GONE!

Make over - make under - make your way out of my house!!

Yippie - another item gone!!

Day 6 - Book - Life Makeovers: 52 Practical & Inspiring Ways to Improve Your Life One Week at a Time by Cheryl Richardson

Today I am offering a book called Life Makeovers: 52 Practical & Inspiring Ways to Improve Your Life One Week at a Time by Cheryl Richardson. Last year I was part of a book group to discuss this book and make life changes. Well, we dismantled at about week 4. It did not help we had our kids with us during discussions - and nothing can really happen with a bunch of 18 month old kids running around. Well, this year I just don't need to makeover my life. I feel like things are good and no major changes are needed! Kind of nice to say that!!!

Hopefully someone will get a lot of use from this book!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 4 - LG Cellphone and Charger (Cingular/AT&T) - GONE!

I forgot to post that this phone is GONE!!! Yeah!!! A woman took it for her husband who just lost his phone. I am so happy to have helped. This was taken super quick - like 10 minutes!!

And, I am still just thrilled Dora is gone! The woman that picked up the cups said her kids were thrilled with using Dora cups at dinner. Another success!!

Day 5 - Dora Take & Toss Sippie Cups - GONE!

I posted around 9am and did not have a taker until 11 - and that made me nervous... Thankfully, I got someone to take them off my hands - yeah!! I think I'll sleep a little better without Dora in the house.

Day 5 - Dora Take & Toss Sippie Cups

I don't like Dora. I have never even seen an episode, but I just don't like her. Not sure where I got these sippies, but my girls never use them and I really don't want them in my house! How can a little character drive me so crazy - I am not sure. But, anything that makes me as crazy as Dora really should be purged from the home - as quickly as possible!

Today I am offering 10 Dora Take & Toss Sippie Cups and Tops.

God, I hope these go quickly.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 4 - LG Cellphone and Charger (Cingular/AT&T)

I have no idea who used this phone - or when it was used! Probably my husband and probably at least 3 years ago. But, it works!!!

Today, I am offering an LG Cellphone and charger (Cingular/AT&T).

I often see posts from people wanting specific phones (really, phones from specific carriers). They probably lost their phones or maybe they fell in the toilet. All they'd need to buy is a new chip and they are good to go (or they might still have the chip) - that's cheaper than a new phone!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3 - HP iPAQ pocket PC - GONE!

I am not sure if everything I am offering is great or what is going on. But, again in less than 10 minutes this has been promised. A woman who is a psychologist working with disabled people is going to take it and see how it can benefit her students. That's creative.


Day 3 - HP iPAQ pocket PC

Today is a pretty valuable offer. I bought Dave this pocket PC a few years ago to help him get organized - and it worked for a long time. But, with the advent of the mobile phone/web browser/calendar/and everything else you need - he just does not need it any longer. I think it will help someone keep track of things - or maybe, help someone have someone else keep track of things!!

Today's offer is a HP iPAQ pocket PC, storage case and docking station with cord.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2 - Book: The Knitting Directory by Alison Jenkins - GONE!

Another winner - and again, super fast! Some guy is picking it up for his daughter - how sweet. I hope she puts it to better use than I did!!

Day 2 - Book: The Knitting Directory by Alison Jenkins

Today I am offering another book -The Knitting Directory by Alison Jenkins. I really enjoy knitting, but am really just not good at making more than a scarf - or something super basic. Reading the recipe(or as a real knitter would say, pattern) is like reading another language - I have no idea what they are talking about.

I have not knitted in a while - probably a few years. But, I am not yet ready to part with my needles. Some day I might gather the patience and take up the hobby once again. Therefore, I can't quite pass the needles on yet. We'll see what my thoughts are in June - when I am scrounging for more items to unload - and have still not picked up my needles.....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 1 - Book: Marley & Me by John Grogan - GONE!

Yeah - less than 10 minutes and the book is promised to a woman who has seen the movie and would enjoy reading the book. Hopefully she picks up as promised - later today or tomorrow morning!

Day 1 - Book: Marley & Me by John Grogan.

Oh boy, today is January 1st and I need to start my freecycling binge!!! I wanted to offer something that would be hot for today. I figured since the movie is out, maybe this would be a good idea. Today, my offer is ...

The paperback book of Marley & Me by John Grogan.

I read this book last week and enjoyed it. My husband and I went and saw the movie on our anniversary this past weekend. We also enjoyed the movie. Really not the best anniversary movie, but it was worth the cost of the book and movie tickets. The storyline is sad - and hit very close to home, as we had lost our dog about 2.5 years ago.

I think this one will go fast... We'll see!!